Category Archives: West Virginia

Each Day Is New-Should We Be Excited?


I know we are not supposed to look at the past, but I am finding it hard to forget 2012.  Maybe I need to reflect back on this sluggish New Year’s day and see if I could have changed anything. I can begin with all the morning newspapers and all the non-positive things I have read each morning.  I pick up a cup of coffee, add the cream and sit down with my sweetie.  Just looking  at the headline sometimes gives me the chills.  I see murders, child abuse, businesses closing, delinquent taxes, divorces, shootings in schools and malls, drugs, and on and on and on.  So far, reading this newspaper has not made me feel too positive.  Why do I read it anyway?


I go downstairs and sit down in my home office, take a deep breath and shake off the residue left from reading the newspaper.  Our company, Hudson-Gillmor Associates, manages the yellow page and online advertising for some major medical and hospital accounts.  Many of these accounts are deeply concerned with the changes in healthcare and need to cut some advertising.  Politely and with much professional care, I lead them through their budgets and devise a plan they will approve for less revenue.  I get off the phone and want to cry……sad but true.

Thinking “out of the box” as been the norm in 2012.  Finding new ways to cut household and business expense has been necessary for most people.  It is the wise things to do.  Closing down office space and moving into home offices was necessary and a positive move.  Gee, I am glad we thought of doing this.  I love working from home….any hour….anytime. No more water cooler talk space, office kitchen closed, but we are still in business and we have jobs.  We are thinking “out of the box”.

The death of many loved ones happened to our family.  Losing our 13-year-old, Lauren Swann has been the most painful experience yet.  Unexpected.  We are trying to understand.  Did this really happen?

Okay, so I am looking back and remember some devastating events, but I don’t think I could have prevented any of them.  Most of the “things” causing heartache were temporal.  The older I get the more I realize “things” or “ways” are not forever.  There is an ever-changing turnover in business, families, lives and the world.  Just about when you think all is well…….look out….it will change.

How do we learn to deal with all this uncertainty?  Even we Christians must ask ourselves this question all the time.  I have experienced major crisis in my life and the only “thing” that brought me through was fully trusting that this crisis would end and God was with me all the way.  If you are troubled, don’t try to figure out how “you” can make it go away.  Stop.  Pray and ask God to give you support and direction.  Then you may need to do some things for yourself.  Talk to a friend you can trust and become a prayer partner with them.  Get out of the house and look at all the people in need and in worse condition than you.

We are never too young or too old to have a new beginning!