I am sitting in the lobby of the Carlisle Inn at Walnut Creek, OH….listening to a whole group of people talk.  Beautiful music is playing, the fire is crackling in the fireplace and I am enjoying listening.  One of the men is a vet and treats and buys cattle.  He is on many civic boards and speaks on TV concerning the cattle in this area. 

I just heard on of the men say he is a veteran and is going to be cremated.  He looks real healthy and I don’t think it will be soon.  His wife reminds him to be sure and take his meds tonight.

These people don’t really know each other, but are aquainted through friends.  It has been interesting to hear them name off people they know.  Right now they are talking about giving scholarships to students through the VA organization.

Isn’t it funny how you can learn by just sitting and listening and then posting it on your blog for others to share.  I now know one of the couple have a handicapped daughter that is in a care facility in New Jersey.  The lady talking was adopted when she was a baby.

Basil and I ate at the Der Duchman this evening and the food was wonderful.  Many of the Mennonite people were also eating out.  I guess they don’t cook every night either.

Well, Basil just entered the conversation.  He heard them talking about one of the men being fat and he gave them a scripture from Proverbs that says you are blessed by being fat.

Well, these conversations are getting to be more than I can handle.  I think I will go watch Larry King.

2 responses »

  1. You were in one of my favorite parts of the Midwest and I’ve also eaten at Der Dutchman. I especially remember since they don’t let you carryout your dessert if you’re too full after dinner. What a waste of a good piece of pie! I also like to just listen when people speak. It’s amazing what you can learn when you’re quiet. P.S. I love your husband’s scripture quote. Who knew? =^..^=

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